Accounting for Climate Change in Water and Agriculture management

Accounting for Climate Change in Water and Agriculture management

In the Mediterranean and Sahel region, the temperature increase is leading to a decrease in yield due to heat and water stress and an increase in the likelihood of crop failure in rainfed agriculture.

In this context, the ACCWA (Accounting for Climate Change in Water and Agriculture management) project aims at developing remote sensing based monitoring tools for crop yield monitoring and water management to improve the reliability of decision making regarding water use, yield and hazards in agriculture.

isardSAT is leading the project, and will be developing the high resolution soil moisture products and the water use management tool.

Go to project site


isardSAT, CIRAD, IRD, LabFerrer, IRTA, Observatori de l'Ebre, University of Carthage, AGRHYMET, UCAM




agriculture, hazards, hydrology, remote sensing, soil moisture, climate change